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I sometimes have foggy visions of him. Without any hesitation or mercy, he stabbed both of my parents to death with a chef's kitchen knife. I don't know why but he spared me, and that's why I'm still alive. I think I shouldn't feel this, but I feel grateful. Even if he spared me, he mercilessly killed my friends. All were decapitated. Those few nights that I spent after their deaths, I was shaking in bed for the whole night. I would bang my head against the wall in frustration. My hands were constantly trembling. Whenever one of my alive friends would invite me to a party, I would step back.

"No way," I would say. "I'm not going with you."

But as always, I would. And all of them would get up dying the same fate as the rest of them. Eventually, 1/3 of the kid population was dead due to the unknown killer "Red". 

In my visions, his body is foggy but his face is very clear.  It looks more like a boy than a man to me, but he's evidently very violent; considering the fact that he swings his knife around all over the place. Speaking of his weapon, that can be seen clearly too. It's a blunt blade , yet a powerful blow will cause death. 

I want to avenge my friend's death. Deaths actually. I lost all of them. My relatives are all dead too, and it's strange that I was the only one who was spared. I started investigating from my memories. I searched all around the world for people who had similar faces. None were as violent. 

When I came home from a long day of searching, I felt exhausted and pooped. I stumbled and dragged myself back to the bathroom to take a long soak in the bath tub. 

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